A Surprising Bat-Family Member Just Got Perfect Revenge on the Joker

2022-07-02 03:29:47 By : Ms. Apple Wang

In the latest issue of Batman: Urban Legends, Batman's impressive dog Ace finally gets payback on the Joker (the Bat Hound's previous owner).

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman: Urban Legends #16

In the latest issue of DC's Batman: Urban Legends, a surprising member of the Bat Family gets their perfect revenge on the Joker. Revealed to have a dark origin where he was saved by the Dark Knight from the Clown Prince of Crime, Ace the Bat-Hound is one of Bruce Wayne's most loyal allies. Now, Ace is returning the favor with the chance to save Batman in this new story, having assembled a team of Super-Pets to save the day. However, the truly epic moment is the dynamic payback between Joker and the Bat-Hound.

In previous issues of the Batman: Urban Legends anthology series, the Dark Knight was caught in a surprise explosion and captured by Russians in "Hounded" by Mark Russell and Karl Mostert. Ace was with the Dark Knight and was subsequently taken to an illegal kennel specializing in creating animal bodyguards for criminals and supervillains. It was there that Ace meets a cognitively enhanced chicken, an extremely fast turtle who was forced to run on a treadmill to stay alive, a pickpocketing squirrel, and a massive bear named Ursa. Freeing his fellow captives, Ace and his new Legion of Super-Pets went in search of Batman. However, Ace's name and origins as a former fighting dog for the Joker are also revealed, having been rescued and rehabilitated by Batman after Joker's years of animal abuse.

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Now, Batman: Urban Legends #16 features the last chapter of "Hounded" with Ace and his fellow Super-Pets taking on Russian mobsters before finally finding Batman. While the Russians were planning to sell the Dark Knight to the highest bidder (most of which belong to Batman's rogues' gallery), the Legion of Super-Pets interrupt the proceedings just as Joker was claiming Batman as his prize. Stepping between his abusive past owner and the one who actually cares for him, Ace gets the perfect opportunity to reject Joker in this issue.

What makes this encounter even better is that both Batman and the Joker were caught in the resulting warehouse explosion during the fight to save the Dark Knight. With Joker trapped under debris and Batman far too beaten to move, Ace refuses Joker's calls for the Bat-Hound to help him and instead drags Batman away from the burning building. As such, this chapter proves that Bruce Wayne truly is a great pet owner, having genuinely earned Ace's loyalty with love and care (rather than using pain and fear).

All in all, this miniseries provides the perfect payback against the Joker and the terrible abuse Ace was forced to endure when he belonged to the Clown Prince of Crime. It also proves that Ace the Bat-Hound is the definition of a good boy in the DC Universe, doing so much and going so far to save Batman who was truly in need of saving. While his current story may be over, here's hoping Ace gets more frequent appearances with the rest of the Bat-Family going forward. He certainly deserves it.

More: Robin’s Forgotten Victim Makes the Entire Bat-Family Look Bad

Kevin Erdmann is one of Screen Rant's staff writers. With a major in Cinema Studies and a minor in Comics and Cartoon Studies from the UofO, Kevin is pretty sure he's writing for the right site. While Kevin is a huge Marvel fan, he also loves Batman because he's Batman and is a firm believer that Han shot first. Disney also shares a big part of his fan patronage. Kevin lives in Oregon with his wonderful wife and sinister cat who is no doubt currently plotting his demise.