• Fitness instructor has strength to keep gym running - SHINE News

    by admin on 2022-07-10 16:18:00

    Small businesses in China are the backbone of employment and prosperity. But size can be a drawback when hard times hit. This series explores the consequences of lockdown on the sector.

    Members arrive at Zheng Yi's studio early on July 1 to work out.

    The past week has been a re

  • Stranger Things: Is Eddie Really Dead? Theory | POPSUGAR Entertainment

    by admin on 2022-07-10 15:54:54

    Watch out! This post contains spoilers.

    The season four finale of "Stranger Things" is a seriously emotional ride, with some deaths both big and small rocking our cast of characters' lives. One of the most devastating, by far, is the loss of Eddie Munson, who in the course of one season

  • Benchmark test: Similar performance between M2 MacBook Air and Pro

    by admin on 2022-07-10 15:45:37

    - Jul. 10th 2022 5:11 am PT

    The new M2 MacBook Air is currently available to pre-order, but the first benchmark test of this machine is already available online. Although it was expected, we can now say the new Air has a similar benchmark score as the M2 MacBook

  • Gallery

    by admin on 2022-07-10 15:43:33

    COLOMBO, July 10 (Reuters) - Leaders of Sri Lanka's protest movement said on Sunday they would occupy the residences of the president and prime minister until they finally quit office, the day after the two men agreed to resign leaving the country in political limbo.

    Thousands of pr

  • Refresh

    by admin on 2022-07-10 15:43:32

    COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa will step down Wednesday, the parliamentary speaker announced late Saturday, after a day that saw tens of thousands of protesters, stricken by crippling inflation, storming the seats of power. Some took over the presidential office

  • From Software's notorious 30fps stutter fixed - but only for hacked PS4 consoles | Eurogamer.net

    by admin on 2022-07-02 03:32:02

    One of the most baffling technical mysteries of the last console generation is simply this: why is that every From Software title on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One stutters so noticeably? From the studio's 2014 PS4 debut - Bloodborne - through to this year's Elden Ring, From Software's 30fps frame

  • From Software's notorious 30fps stutter fixed - but only for hacked PS4 consoles | Eurogamer.net

    by admin on 2022-07-02 03:32:00

    One of the most baffling technical mysteries of the last console generation is simply this: why is that every From Software title on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One stutters so noticeably? From the studio's 2014 PS4 debut - Bloodborne - through to this year's Elden Ring, From Software's 30fps frame

  • "Baymax!" Trans Representation Sparks Conservative Outrage | POPSUGAR Fitness

    by admin on 2022-07-02 03:31:44

    Disney's latest innocuous attempt at LGBTQ+ representation once again sparks misplaced outrage. "Big Hero 6" spinoff "Baymax!" arrived on Disney+ on June 29, and an episode in the animated series depicts the titular character, a healthcare robot whose mission it is to help the people of San Fr

  • Tech Radar

    by admin on 2022-07-02 03:31:10

    TechRadar is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s why you can trust us

    By Cat Ellis last updated 18 August 21

    The best deals in the long run

    Treadmills are a big investment, and if yo

  • Recall alert: Nautilus treadmills being recalled over starting on their own, fall hazard – KIRO 7 News Seattle

    by admin on 2022-07-02 03:31:04

    Planet Fitness offering free workouts to teenagers Teenagers looking for some physical activity this summer have been invited to work out at any Planet Fitness location for free. (NCD)

    Nautilus is recalling its treadmills after reports that the treadmills start on their own and pose a